Green Tea is rich in antioxidants and low on caffeine. It does not just provide essential nutrients but also is reported to be helpful in many health situations.
Polyphenols present in Green Tea fights against free radicals thus helping in the Anti Aging process, keeping brain alert and helping avert Alzheimers and Parkinsons
Prevent heart deceases, reduces bad cholesterol, controls high BP and formation of clots.
Keeps the arteries free and relaxed.
The Anti Oxidants help in reducing and fighting Esophageal, Cervical, Breast Cancer and other types of cancer.
Burns fat, and boosts metabolism rate.
Helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating.
Prevents sun damage, wrinkles and adds glow.
Catechins in green tea help flight tooth decay and plaque formation
Anti- depression, Anti Viral Anti Bacterial

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